

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you start.” Nido Quebin

Depression can feel overwhelming and significantly impact your quality of life. Symptoms of depression include:

-Sadness, tearfulness, hopelessness

-Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration over little things.

-Loss of interest in things you used to enjoy

-Sleep disturbances

-fatigue, lack of energy

-Trouble concentrating, making decisions, memory.

-Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, self-blame.

-frequent or recurring thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts.

-Unexplained physical problems

Anxiety is a normal part of life but when it becomes excessive and chronic it can be debilitating. Symptoms of anxiety include:

-Feeling nervous and tense.

-Having a sense of impending danger, panic.

-Increased heart rate.

-Breathing rapidly.

-Sweating, trembling.

-Trouble concentrating.

-Trouble sleeping.

-Excessive worry.

Both depression and anxiety are responsive to therapy in helping to relieve symptoms. It can be transformative to work with unhelpful cognitive patterns and negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to both depression and anxiety. It can also help build more effective coping strategies and support connection and accessing resources. Therapy can be invaluable in working with the body to decrease stress and anxiety by learning tools decrease reactivity to our more challenging places, find ways to calm the body and support our ability to spend more of our time in a state of emotional balance.